What he did this summer was amazing. A feat never done before and one that might never be done again. He won 8 medals during one olympic games. Every event he entered he won. Personally, I feel bad for the guy. It's not like he used performance enhancing drugs like steroids or EPO (40 percent of tested cyclists are found to have increased levels of EPO in their blood). Phelps smoked a little pot, big deal. I'm pretty sure there aren't too many people who would claim pot is a performance enhancing drug. I mean, maybe for the couch potato awards but definitely not for swimming. He was at a fraternity party where smoking pot was probably one of the safer activities going on. So, here's to you Mr. Phelps. Thanks for disproving most of those commercials that try and scare parents. I'm talking about the ones that insinuate or often blatantly say that if you smoke pot you are destined to be a hardcore junky or that you will never amount to anything. And lets not forget the one that equated smoking pot to playing with guns and eventually killing your friend.
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