Saturday, March 21, 2009
Not to beat a dead horse but...

AIG Bonus Uproar Continued
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bonus takeaway?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Finally A Good Idea From the Auto Industry but Still Playing Catch Up
At Hyundai we think it's easier to find a job when you've got a car. That's why, for a limited time, we expanded Hyundai Assurance, and we've added...something extra. A plus, as in Hyundai Assurance Plus. If you lose your income, we'll make your payments for 3 months while you get back on your feet, and if that's not enough time to work things out, you can return the car with no impact on your credit."
Stating the Obvious
Thanks CNN and all of you experts out there for making us all a little bit smarter today. The headline read, “Skiers can cut risks by wearing helmets, experts say.” Really? I had no idea. We all would be lost without these experts.
Experts have also concluded:
Stubbing your toe hurts, experts say.
Running makes people tired, experts say
Does the Pope really know All?

On his latest visit to Africa the Pope held firm on his stance that condom use is immoral. This is very unfortunate.
Why the Auto Industry
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
“Cheney Drinks Starbucks”
I was siting at a coffee shop today writing some application essays when I noticed a coffee salesman walk into the shop, which will remain nameless. Just joking, it was Pablo’s and they have incredible coffee. They roast their coffee in the shop so it smells incredible. So, the salesman and whom I believe is the shop owner and one of the coffee specialists (I made that up, but he looks like your classic coffee shop barista with his ripped jeans, thick rimmed glasses, beard and tattoos) all sat down at a table next to me. They placed 4 small bowls of ground coffee beans, a stack of empty small bowls, 3 cups of water, a large thermos of hot water and lots of spoons. They each took a generous portion of the ground coffee and put it in their personal bowl. They seemed like they were having a good time as they shoved their noses deep into the bowls and made the classic, mmmmm noise. They then poured the hot water into the bowl and let it steep for a little. Next, they used their little spoons to slurp up a little bit at a time. They would lick their lips, roll the coffee around their mouths and then think about what they had just experienced. To tell you the truth, I had a small urge to yell at them that it’s just coffee and not a 30 year old Barolo but I resisted. This was their livelihood and I didn’t want to belittle it… The owner and his cohort would take some notes, contemplate the experience some more and then jot down some more notes. This process repeated itself for each of the 4 types of coffee.
When the owner stood up he exclaimed, “that’s awesome.” If I were a salesman I would take that as a great sign that I was about to make a sale.
I really enjoyed how casual the whole process played out.
P.S. They inspected the whole coffee beans and one of them said, “I love the color!” I’m not sure why he then stuck it in his mouth…
It’s amazing how I can find distractions even in a place without internet access. (Why does the computer always want to capitalize “internet?” Am I missing something? The last time I checked it wasn’t a proper noun but I’m no grammar specialist. (and I have never actually checked)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Credit Card Defaults

AIG Bonuses: It's only 170 million
Monday, March 16, 2009
Obama remix
The DIA Beast

Friday, March 13, 2009
Smug Alert via the Prius
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Newspapers to the TV
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Awesome Shower? I think Not
Inflation adjusted S&P 500
Privatizing Social Security
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sun Valley Shop Owner

As you can tell I'm having a terrible time out here. The people are friendly and the dogs are friendlier (and everywhere). This was a friendly shop dog hanging out at a local ski shop. It's a mix between a Rhodesian Ridgeback and Mastiff. No surprise here that it was huge and loved trying to eat your shoes.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Great new Blog i'm following
"Here’s a short list of only the highest quality, bluest of blue chip, penny stocks:
- AIG (39 cents)
- Citigroup (98 cents)
- E*Trade (66 cents)
- Fannie Mae (39 cents)
- Freddie (39 cents)
- Unisys (37 cents)
Given the trading volumes, you might think these were real firms or something!
Now, for the not-quite-penny stocks:
- Ford ($1.83)
- GM ($1.83)
- Las Vegas Sands ($1.97)
- MGM ($1.99)
- CIT ($2)
- Kodak ($2.50)
- Bank of America ($3.15)
- New York Times ($4.00)
- News Corp ($6.15)
- Xerox ($4.36)
- International Paper ($4.22)
- Alcoa ($5.55)
- GE ($6.75)
- Dow Chemical ($6.56)
- Wells Fargo ($7.95)
- Dell ($8.50)
It looks like American Express ($10.83) is one of the few double digit stocks . . ."
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Southern Bell
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Let's just blame Obama

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Judicial System
- Prisons are filled with non-violent criminal, what is the the actual cost to house these prisoners - is rehab a better solution?
- Will prison time actually prevent a relapse; violent or non violent?
- Do prisons increase or decrease the potential for future criminal/violent actions?
- Do prisons act as a training ground for criminals?